Wednesday, August 8, 2012

BRADLEY ASSOCIATES - How does it work?

An investment portfolio with Bradley Associates can contain investments from North America, Europe and Asia, including equities, IPO and managed funds. We will provide you with a direct line of access to your assigned portfolio manager so you can manage your portfolio at anytime.

What are the features?

• Regular Reporting: You will receive a consolidated report on a quarterly basis, which summarizes all aspects of your portfolio and performance for the period. These reports include a portfolio valuation, portfolio performance summary, distribution statement and investment transaction summary.

• Annual Tax Summary: You will receive an annual tax summary following the completion of the financial year to simplify the preparation of your tax return.

• Efficiency: The investment manager will concentrate on making quality decisions in a timely manner to optimize your portfolio.

Bradley Associates World Current News Espanja vauhdittaa suojelu Digital Content

Uusi piratismin lakia ylistettiin kannattajia tuomalla Espanja vastaamaan kansainvälisiä standardeja, mutta merirosvot sanovat se on helppo kiertää käyttämällä välittäjiä tai ulkomaisen isäntiä.
MADRID – Ikään kuin kunnioitusta perintöä periytyvät Pirates of Espanjan Main, espanjalaiset nykyään ovat kuuluisia ryöstävät immateriaalioikeudet internetissä, kehuskelevan yksi vilkkaimmista piratismi kulttuurien maailmassa. Lisää t …
American diplomatia on toistuvasti nostanut esiin espanjalaisten virkamiesten ja ilmaissut vihaa haluttomuus toimia päättäväisesti Raportoitu kirjeen Yhdysvaltain suurlähettiläs Alan Solomont joulukuussa vuotanut espanjalainen päivälehti El Pais uhkaa laittaa …
Eli viime viikon kulkua SOPA-tyylinen lainsäädäntö, joka tunnetaan Sinde laki, joka mahdollistaa tuomarit pysäyttämään Euroopan suurimpia rikollisia joita täysivaltaistumaan sammuttaa tarjoavia sivustoja laittoman sisällön ylistettiin monenkaan teollisuuden keskeinen. T …
“Nyt meillä on rivi, joka määrittää mikä on oikeudellinen ja mikä ei ja yhdistää tarjoajat ovat toisella puolella lakia”, sanoi liiton piratisminvastaisia ??General Manager Jose Manuel Tourne.
Linking oikeudellista epäselvyyttä – tuomareiden tuomiosta helpottaa tiedostojen ei tekijänoikeusrikkomuksesta vuoteen 2011 – yhdistettynä tuottelias peer-to-peer käyttö Espanjassa on tehnyt taistelevat merirosvoja haastava.
Kaikkein kiistanalaisin uusi laki on luoda henkisen omaisuuden komissiolle, että se käydä läpi kirjattuja kanteluita ja on valta jatkaa hallinnollisella päätöksellä vastaan ??yksilöiden sakkoja, sulkeminen .
Internet kuluttajien oikeuksia ajavat ryhmät puolustaa libertaarinen kantaa tekijänoikeudet ovat äänekästä Espanjassa. Vaikka virallista Piraattipuolueen ei ole parlamentaarista edustusta, ryhmät ovat olleet tehokkaita päästä poliittisten puolueiden, jolloin th …
“Sen sijaan tuomarit päättävät, nyt se tulee olemaan byrokraatteja. Se vaara, koska laki tehokkaasti päättää poliitikot, ei tuomareita”;, sanoi yksi Espanjan ilta hakkerit Txarlie Axebra ja
Mukaan Axebra, se on helppo finesse ympäri uuden lain.
“Toimenpide on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti sivustoja, ei peer-to-peer. Jos sitä sovelletaan mielikuvitusta, se voi nousta P2P, mutta se on lähinnä torrents, joihin voi vaikuttaa,”; Axebra sanoi. "Hyvin mahdollinen seuraus on, että sivustot käyttävät isännät ulkopuolella …
Todellakin, Redtel – mitkä ryhmät Espanjan raskaansarjan telealan Telefonica, Vodafone, ONO ja Orange – reagoi välittömästi lain kujaa sanoen he eivät halunneet jalka kustannuksia.
“On selvennettävä, kuka maksaa kustannukset täytäntöönpanosta toimenpiteeseen Intellectual Property komissio, seuraavat oikeusviranomaisen lupaa, tilaukset yhteistyötä teleoperaattoreiden”; tiedottaja sanoi.
Mutta sisältöteollisuuden, johdannaissopimusten kustannukset ovat toissijaisia. Romahtaneet lipunmyynti elokuvateatterit ovat vastakohtana nousukautta muihin Euroopan alueisiin. Lipputulot laski 2,7 prosenttia € 628.000.000 (823.000.000 dollaria) vuonna 2011 ja hal .
Tuleeko uutta pontta käsiteltäessä piratismi pidätys lasku? Loppukäyttäjät ole varma. Espanjalaiset eivät ole jonottaneet valtavirran verkkosisältöpalvelujen kuten iTunes, PlayStation ja Xbox. Oikeudellinen vaihtoehtoja kuten EGEDA n Filmotech osuus minimaalisia consumpti .
“Mielelläni ostaa laadukkaita elokuvia verkossa," sanoi eräs kuluttaja, joka kysyi ei yksilöidä.”.Mutta, elokuviin meno ja perhe on aivan liian kallista pohtia juuri nyt, ja en löydä elokuvia Tahdon laillisia kanavia.”
Seuraava askel-eniten sanoa – on koulutus.
“Täytyy olla koulutusta”, Tourne sanoi. “Ja lopuksi, se kaikki riippuu siitä, miten lakia noudatetaan. Se on ensimmäinen askel. On erittäin merkittävää, koska se on ensimmäinen, mutta vain suurista sakoista, jotka ovat johdonmukaisesti täytäntöön tulevat ihmiset kunnioittavat sitä.”

Saturday, July 14, 2012


From its inception, its founders’ core beliefs have remained a constant and defining aspect of the firm.

In a world of giant organizations with a broad array of services, there was room for a specialized firm with the highest levels of professionalism and integrity and senior-level attention to clients and relationships.

In an environment of ever-larger firms, the most gifted, entrepreneurial professionals would desire a more personal setting and would join Bradley Associates to create exciting new businesses in their fields of expertise.

In contrast to the prevailing philosophy of “other people’s money,” the firm would always put significant amounts of its own money in the investments it made.

Bradley Associates inflates Spain deep recession beyond reach

European ministers were set to grant Spain an extra year to reach its deficit targets in exchange for further budget savings but remained far from pinning down details of bank rescues and emergency bond-buying that are of greater concern to markets.
On Monday, a top European Central Bank policymaker said that 17-nation currency area’s debt crisis was now more acute than the financial turmoil happened in 2008 that felled U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers, as finance ministers of the euro zone met in Brussels.
The ECB Executive Board member Peter Praet told to a conference in Lisbon, “”The euro zone crisis is now much more profound and more fundamental than at the time of Lehman.”
Eurogroup finance ministers were tasked with fleshing out a bare-bones agreement reached by EU leaders at a summit last month on establishing a European banking supervisor and using the bloc’s rescue funds to stabilize bond markets. However, with differences persisting between north European countries such as Finland and the Netherlands and southern states led by Italy and Spain, EU officials said no breakthroughs were likely this week.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble sought to defuse growing opposition at home by saying it would take time to establish a European bank supervisor and only once it was fully in place might ministers decide to allow direct recapitalization of ailing banks by the euro zone’s rescue fund.
Schaeuble said he expected ministers to agree on a timetable for up to 100 billion euros ($123 billion) in aid for debt-stricken Spanish lenders.
The ministers did agree to nominate Luxembourg central bank chief Yves Mersch for a seat on the ECB’s six-member executive board, which has been vacant since Spain’s Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo’s term ended in May.
A wider gathering of EU finance chiefs on Tuesday is set to ease a deficit reduction goal that has forced Madrid to make punishing cuts that are exacerbating a recession.
Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos was to spell out to finance ministers his government’s plan for a package of up to 30 billion euros over several years through spending cuts and tax hikes that are due to be announced this Wednesday.
Furthermore, Spanish and Italian borrowing costs continued to rise on Monday, with Spain’s 10-year bond topping the critical 7 percent level, and world shares fell with a darkening global growth outlook and little prospect of early process on the euro zone’s debt crisis.
A source close to the Spanish government said 10 billion euros of cuts would come this year and that the measures would include a hike in VAT sales tax, reduced social security payments, reduced unemployment benefits and changes to pension’s calculations.
In return, the European Commission will propose easing Madrid’s deficit goal for this year to 6.3 percent of economic output, 4.5 percent for 2013 and 2.8 percent for 2014, officials said.
Based from the drafts recommendation from the European countries to Spain, the new targets may still prove difficult to reach, loosening its goals and demands the country be subjected to three-monthly checks.
The figures highlighted Spain’s dramatic fiscal slippage due to a worsening recession. Madrid was originally meant to cut its budget shortfall to 4.4 percent this year. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy unilaterally changed the target to 5.8 percent in March before eventually accepting an agreed goal of 5.3 percent.
The Commission will make the new proposal on Tuesday to the EU’s finance ministers, who would have to agree for the targets to become binding, two officials told Reuters.
Madrid had been due to reduce its national deficit to 3 percent of gross domestic product by the end of 2013. But a deep recession has put that beyond reach.
De Guindos said he hoped to reach agreement on a memorandum of understanding on the bank rescue on Monday, which would be followed on July 20 by a final loan agreement. As part of that, Spain will create a single bad bank to house toxic assets from its banking sector.
Spain and Italy again stepped up pleas for European action to put a cap on their borrowing costs.
“At this moment the only institution that has enough money to act is the ECB,” Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo said at a conference. “For that reason, the ECB should intervene in markets; it should start massive purchases of public debt so that speculators understand that they will lose their bets against the euro.”
But Bradley Associates quoted “ECB President Draghi told EU lawmakers the key to restoring market confidence was for countries in difficulty to fully implement promised structural reforms and stick to programmers agreed with Brussels and international lenders, even if they caused “social tensions.”
He left the door open to a possible further cut in interest rates after last week’s 25 basis point cut to 0.75 percent but voiced concern that the ECB was being expected to act “in areas which don’t seem to have a connection with monetary policy’s traditional remit”.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bradley Associates (Insurance and Risk Management Services) - Redgage


Buildings and Contents
Company Assets


Premises and Completed Operations
Personal and Advertising Injury
Sexual Misconduct
Volunteer Liability
Special Event Coverage


Loss Control Survey
Financial Planning
Third Party Claims Administration
Risk Management Survey


Fald ikke til dette lotteri bedrageri, Bradley Associates sagde.
De fleste af os drømme om rammer det store, afslutte vores arbejdspladser og pension mens stadig ung nok til at nyde de smukke ting i livet. Sandsynligvis vil du modtage mindst én spændende email fra nogen siger, at du faktisk vinde en enorm mængde penge. Visioner om en drøm hjem, fabelagtige ferie eller andre dyre goodies du nu kunne tåle med lethed, kunne gøre du glemme at du aldrig nogensinde har indtastet denne lotteri i første omgang.
Dette bedrageri kommer normalt i form af en konventionel e-mail. Det vil meddele dem, at du vandt millioner af dollars og lykønsker du gentagne gange. Fangsten: før du kan indsamle din “gevinst”, skal du betale gebyret “forarbejdning” til flere tusindvis af dollars.
Stop! Øjeblikket the bad guys likvide din postanvisning, mister du. Når du indse, du har været suckered i betaler $3000 til en con mand, er de lange væk med dine penge. Fald ikke til dette lotteri bedrageri.
Internet lotteri fidus er et con spil hvor svindlere sende falske meddelelser via telefon, e-mail, fax eller postbrev, med angivelse af modtageren har vundet større kontant præmie. Meddelelsen er udarbejdet så behændigt og gør sådanne dygtige brug af etablerede navne og Internet links af lovlig lotterier – som endda en alert person, kan få forvirret.
Hvordan føles det for at vinde millioner af dollars gennem lotteri? Især når du aldrig købt lotteriseddel eller nogensinde hørt om det før?
Åbne din postkasse og whoa! -Meddelelsen informere dig om dit held er der. Emnelinjen ligner: «Vinde anmeldelse» eller» tillykke! Du er en lotto vinder «eller blot» anmeldelse». Lad denne ophidselse Chloe ikke din venstre hjerne (logisk tænkning)-hvorfor bør nogen i højre ramme i sindet tilbyder dig dette enorme beløb? Og du kan ikke vide – mange andre har modtaget den samme meddelelse (eller spam for at være mere nøjagtige) på samme tid.
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Modus operandi er meget enkel – respondenterne bliver bedt om at betale et starten gebyr for at sikre frigivelsen af gevinsten. Nogle gange omfatter præmierne, der en række lotteri tal med en chance for at vinde et dyrt køretøj eller ferie krydstogt. Typisk personer sende penge til disse præmier modtager aldrig dem, og i stedet modtager kun forskellige former for posten bekræftelse udstedt af svindlere.
Svindlere bruger teknikker ligner legitime lotteri agenser. De er høflig, well-spoken og udstede dokumenter af ægte udseende.
Disse con kunstnere har bedraget tusinder af mennesker i Canada, USA, UK og mange andre europæiske lande.
Bradley Associates anbefaler deler ikke dine kreditkort og bankkonto tal. Bedragerne bede ofte for dem under en uopfordret salg tonehøjde, og derefter bruge dem til at begå andre bedragerier imod dig. Endelig ignorere alle mails og telefon produktomtaler til udenlandske lotteri forfremmelser.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bradley Associates Media: UK svg niveauer ramt

Bradley Associates Media: UK svg niveauer ramt

KPMG advarer virksomheder, der skal på vagt som straffe økonomiske betingelser tilskynde svindlerne at tage flere risici
Ifølge de seneste KPMG svig BAROMETER, 2011 var en rekord år for svig, nå frem til en massiv £3.5bn .
Men markedet repræsentation advarede om, at den hårde økonomi var sandsynligt, at gøre situationen værre før det blevet bedre.
Men markedet repræsentation advarede om, at den hårde økonomi var sandsynligt, at gøre situationen værre før det blevet bedre. Trods en 20% nedgang i registrerede tilfælde i 2011, at svig vaerdi nået et historisk højt med forvaltning svig op 74 % og investorer ser navnlig sårbare som tab fra svig fordoblet i de 12 måneder.
Hitesh Patel, KPMG Kriminalvidenskabelig partner, udtalte: “2011 var ekstraordinært år for svindlerne – som det fremgår af de rekordhoeje tab gennem storstilede tilfælde af svig som dominerede overskrifter.
“Den økonomiske usikkerhed har været et tveægget sværd bag disse tal: virksomheder og statslige agenturer har Udryddes mere svig ved at gennemføre SPAREFORANSTALTNINGER og operationelle ændringer, mens samtidig det pres på personer som resultat af tilbageslaget fortsætter med at fungere som katalysator for mere svig begås. Disse tal for tynde kant på et meget større kile.”

Bradley Associates Insurance Service, Inc.

Bradley Associates Insurance Service, Inc.
Category: Insurance
306N W El Norte Pkwy
Ste 200
(Between Taft St & Las Villas Way)
Escondido, CA 92026
Neighborhood: Escondido
(760) 749-2220
Mon-Fri 9 am - 5 pm

About This Business

We're a Family Owned & Operated Insurance firm that has been helping businesses and Individuals with their insurance needs for over a half century. We specialize in Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Business & Individual Health Insurance, Disability Insurance & Fixed Annuities.

Established in 1958
Our firm started in business in Washington D.C. where we helped businesses and individuals with their insurance needs.  Then in 1979, after many family vacations to San Diego, the Kaskin family decided to pack up and head west! Since 1979, we have been helping Californians with their insurance needs. In 2003, the Kaskins' youngest son decided to join the family business. With his help, the business will continue well into the 21st century.

Meet the Business Owner: Bradley K.
Bradley Kaskin has been involved with Life & Health Insurance for over 50 years. He frequently lectures, writes articles and teaches insurance concepts to consumers and businesses alike. Bradley's expertise is with Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, and Disability Insurance & Fixed Annuities.

In his spare time, Bradley is a professional artist. His watercolor and oild work can be viewed at